Egge van der Poel holds a BA in Philosophy and a PhD in Elementary Particle Physics. He searched for (and found) the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider of CERN, in Geneva. After his PhD at CERN he trained to be a Medical Physicist and was a Big Data consultant at KPMG before taking on the newly created function of Clinical Data Scientist at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. In addition he advices many organisations about Big Data, teaches courses on it at various academic institutions and is an experienced public speaker on the subject of Big Data. He is an Executive Professor at TIAS Business School ( and Academic Director at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (
“Longer sessions created room for more depth and dialogue. That is what I appreciate about this summit.”
“Inspiring summit with excellent speakers, covering the topics well and from different angles. Organization and venue: very good!”
“Inspiring and well-organized conference. Present-day topics with many practical guidelines, best practices and do's and don'ts regarding information architecture such as big data, data lakes, data virtualisation and a logical data warehouse.”
“A fun event and you learn a lot!”
“As a BI Consultant I feel inspired to recommend this conference to everyone looking for practical tools to implement a long term BI Customer Service.”
“Very good, as usual!”